Forum > Engine

Inner case damage


Any ideas on what caused this? Its a 50 Sport that i bought to restore so I havent had it running. Im not sure if there was previous motor work done or not, but it appears to me the clutch was grinding away on the case and it tore the crap out of the nylon piece.


--- Quote from: dcr on December 28, 2013, 08:42:05 PM ---Any ideas on what caused this? Its a 50 Sport that i bought to restore so I havent had it running. Im not sure if there was previous motor work done or not, but it appears to me the clutch was grinding away on the case and it tore the crap out of the nylon piece.

--- End quote ---

Just speculation, but if the clutch basket was not correctly aligned to the shaft, or the nut that retains the basket came loose the whole thing would potentially be able to cock on the shaft and cause this kind of wear. Was any of this out of kilter when you dissasmebled? if not, might have happened before the last time the clutch was assembled. Any signs of incorrect seating on the shaft? other wierd wear signs?
Did the adjuster work properly? any problems turning the motor over?...etc...



You could be right about the clutch - maybe the circlip holding the plates in the basket is broken or missing? Make sure that you use the correct manuals (50/60 Sport) found in the Manuals/Articles section of this site and that all the parts are there and good order. The replacement parts should be readily available from Richard.


No other signs of wear and tear. Nothing broken or out of sorts, just this issue. For all i know, it could have been previously addresses, but they left the nylon piece in there. It is only tore up around the edges and i suspect its still functional as the inner section is intact.


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