im sure a few of you have seen me on he yahoo groups page, and have seen my folly to date
on the mini buffalo... that chibi copy,
well heres a few pics

(excuse the moustache, its MOvember, and we arre all growing them at work for charity)
heres the strip down

and 1 buggered conrod and bearings

at this point in time i have managed to get rings for the piston, from a pa50 scooter(required a little trimming to the brass locating pin)
and a conrod from a ts50er (thats my best find so far...) well i hope it is,
i pick it up today, hopefully i am right and all the measurements are the same

now all i need is every bearing in the engine!!!

mmm wee bike is costing me a fortune.
any way, hello from new zealand