Forum > Chibi, Tora, Taka Talk

mini buffalo (chibi engine) starting probs

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well guys, i have rebuilt the wee engine. i'd like to say to its former glory, but its a bit of a mix and match of parts, ts50er conrod, machined crank pin, pa50 rings, home made gaskets and a pant load of bearings,
i have the beasty back together and have it freely turning over, with decent compression, a decent spark (outside the engine anyway) fuel to the carb,  but she's not wanting to start, not even a cough,
even with start ya bastard
its the original plug from 1973.. may be i should get a new one?? even though its sparking.

any clues, timing is fixed and stator has gone back the same place it came apart, same as the rotary disc,

very frustrating i tells ya, i thought the hardest bit was trying to find suitable parts...
aparently not |:D

Dave K:
Well, you know the old saying. If there is enough compression and fuel and spark at the right time, it will run. I would start with spark. If nothing else, dial an AM radio and watch the timing mark as you bring the flywheel around and listen for the "click" when the timing mark passes the mark on the case. If it does make that click, you at least are close enough to run. Then, I would try fuel. Again, just give it a little blast of either, just to see if it will run that for a few firings. If it does, then you can look to the fuel delivery. Again, this is all concerning that there is enough compression. JMHO

im not sure i understand the am radio reference, but ill check the timing and replace the plug.

it cant be the compression, new rings anda sweet bore,
hopefully its that damn plug :-\

cheers for the help

Dave K:
It was an old trick when I was a kid and these bikes were new. When you are on an "off" station on AM, you can hear the points as they break open. On the radio, you will hear and audible "click". So you can watch the timing marks and hear the points open.

wow thats cool,  i cant say ive seen a am radio in years though :D
ive watched the points as i turn over the motor, and it appears that they open and close as its saposed to


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