Forum > OFF TOPIC not Bridgestone related

Polar Vortex - previously know as "Winter"

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Looked like an opportunity to gloat (Thanks Dan)...Expected high today at the Slawson homestead is 69, low 47. Can't complain, but we did get vortexed a few years ago and we got as low as 16. Highest this last summer was 116. So we get our 100 deg swing here too...

Should have wished you all in cold country well. Being from Northern Indiana before my transplant, I understand cold. Please stay warm and safe.

It hit -10 here in central Indiana Wednesday morning, but I'm not complaining.  I don't have to go work in it and there was -21 other places here in Indiana. Of course, those living in northern ND, Montana and Wyoming think we're having a heat wave down here.  :o

     Im In Finlayson Minnesota   -36 Below At 8 Oclock This Smorrning
           Working On A 175 SR In My Shop   +65   100 Degrees Difference

Meanwhile on the other side of the Pacific Ocean in Australia. We recorded 38 deg C in the Southern Tablelands of NSW @850 m altitude. A fellow BS owner recorded 47 deg C in Adelaide  South Australia. I don't  know the conversion to funnyheit but it has been abnormally Bloody Hot for this time in Summer. Cooler today 20 degC - I think 70 F or thereabouts.


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