Hi and thanks for the add!
My name is Mark Roberts, I live in central Illinois and recently picked up a Rockford Tora.
Our local dealer when I was growing up in Southern IL was Bonners Cycle in Mt Vernon IL.
He sold Bridgestone, Hodaka and Bultaco.
I'll never forget the sound of his riders testing SR100's and 175's at the local flat tracks!
By the time I was 11, Bridgestone had gone out of business, and Rockford Motors had started
building the Chibi, Tora, Taka bikes.
I was very impressed with the Tora at the time and finally got one in my collection.
I occasionally get up to the Rockford area and have looked for any signs of Rockford Motors, not much
exists that I've been able to find. I recently met a retired mechanic that told me of going to the parent
plant for service training in the late 60's.
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