Forum > Members: Introduce yourself

New Member Bruce M.


Bruce M.:
Hi everyone...
I have known about this on-line forum for quite a while. I used to bounce around on here before I became a member. I'm going to have to get used to a real forum again as it's been years since I have participated in one & how to use them. This is my second time around being a member, as I unexpectedly was removed from the site because someone didn't like a post I put on FB, the funny thing is the post wasn't removed from the FB group. Yes, I'm straight up straight forward & to the point with things, that's just the way I was raised & I'm not changing at 60 yrs. of age. I'm finally now posting this because I finally had time to get here & up-date my profile. If whoever removed me, doesn't think I should be here & still doesn't think I should be here, please have to gonads to tell me so. No I'm not being rude, I'm just stating facts as nicely as I can.

I have some Bridgestone engine parts that were for a Minico 100 RamJet that I may want to sell & some 60 Bridgestone parts I might or might not sell {new & used} but I'm not sure if they can be sold on this forum. *{No I'm not a business selling a ton of Bridgestone parts.}*

Currently I'm slowly working on putting together a Chibi Deluxe & I'm putting a 4 Speed transmission in it from a Tora 60 engine. Once this is done & when it's done I might sell off the rest of the engine parts, I'm not yet.

There is a "Classifieds" section of this forum to put parts & bikes for sale.

Bruce M.:
Yes sir I know this... so I Quote, I said: {I have some Bridgestone engine parts that were for a Minico 100 RamJet that I may want to sell & some 60 Bridgestone parts (I might or might not sell)}

I didn't put any prices or even say for sure I was going to sell these items, did I. This was just my introduction of myself to group members. Sorry if you took this the wrong way. I didn't even get a message that there was a response to my introduction message. No I'm not starting a pissing match about this, I'm just stating facts as I see & understand them. I don't even get on here that often right now due to medical issues.

Bruce Matty

Welcome to the site.
Hope you get well quickly and good luck on the Chibi.



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