Not long after I bought a new 175DT from a friend's shop, I rode it from Indy to my parents' home in SE Iowa (350 miles). Left Friday night after work, riding west into a slight headwind. Mostly full throttle all the way, about 20 miles from their house, it seized. I caught it before it was locked up solid, let it cool down and made it the rest of the way. That weekend we pulled the cylinder that seized, pulled the rings out of the grooves, sanded the piston, filed the grooves and I rode it back home. That's the longest trip I ever took on a Bridgestone.
Then on I74 in Indiana, ran out of gas late Sunday night, roughly 4 miles from the next exit. Had to push it, the little town's (Jamestown) gas station about half a mile off the exit was closed, found a farmer with some gas and made it to the next exit and bought gas. Replaced the piston, rings and cylinder afterwards.
Another friend and I ended up buying the shop where I bought the bike a couple of years later.