Better late than never ?? This is in Southeastern PA.
I just found this: 26th Annual Vintage Japanese Meet and Show held by the White Rose Motorcycle Club. Its this weekend in York PA.
www.whiterosemc.orgThey don't seem to update their site very often as many things are listed as 1013 events, but if you click on Calendar, here is their 2014 schedule:
Official 2014 Motorcycle Event Schedule
May 3,4 - Observed Trials 40th Anniversary
June 1 - Class 'A' Professional Hill climb
June 6,7,8 - Swap Parts Meet <Click for more info>
August 9 - York Revolution Bike Night
August 15,16,17 - Annual Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Meet & Bike Show
September 20 White Rose Thunder <Click for more info>
September 21 - Class 'A' Professional Hill Climb
October 3,4 - Antique Motorcycle show & Swap Meet
Cant make it this weekend, but maybe I will try and get there for the October show and meet.
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