sounds like you've just got a standard rotary transmission. It was designed so that rider could b e lazy at stop lines - pull to a halt in 4th gear, then change "up" once more and you're back in neutral. The danger is that it is possible to go from 4th to 1st while moving and the bike doesn't like being put into 4th gear at 40 mph.
You can use the rotary box just like a normal 4-speeder return change, but ... if you are at speed, think you are in "3rd", change up and miss the gear, THINK AT LEAST TWICE before you prod the gear pedal again. You may already have been in top, not 3rd, and one more prod will take you into 1st. In those situations I will always change back down to the lower gear and re-assess things.
The 175/200 had the rotary option selectable by moving a lever on the side of the transmission case you could either have a 4-speed rotary or a 5-speed return change pattern. Some of the later model 90s and all the 100s had a return change pattern instead of a rotary shift, but that requires a different shift drum and drum stoppers.
Hope the answers your question,