Forum > How To

Simple Flywheel Removal Tool for 90 Motor

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I usually like to make my own tools when possible but you can buy a cheap adjustable puller and use your own bolts with it. They are good for a few uses and then usually crap out or sieze. But notice the bolts that Subrew used compared to your grade 2 bolts. It's more fun to make your own stuff (provided it works) :)

10-4. Thanks for the advice!

I'll follow suit and see what I come up with.


Thanks Bikenstein!
Now onto the next hurdle :)

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 I see you got an even pull by threading the plate also. Good job :)

This is great and saved me from trying to reinvent the wheel. I got the thickest washer i could find and drilled 3 holes for the bolts. I dont have a welder so i just put the nut on the flywheel side and started cranking. Got it as tight as i could and then 2 medium doses of persuasion with my favorite hammer and off she came.


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